New Holland CNH Industrial

Exclusive dealer harvesting machines New Holland:  Venezia - Padova - Verona - Vicenza - Rovigo - Treviso - Belluno - Mantova



Electronic counter opening from 12:00 on 27/11/2023


What is the objective?

It is a non-repayable contribution for innovation in agriculture which was established in order to encourage the implementation and development of innovation projects aimed at increasing productivity in the agriculture, fishing and aquaculture sectors through the dissemination of the best available technologies.


Who are the beneficiaries?

Individual or associated SMEs may be eligible for the benefits of the decree which:

-are registered as active in the business register with the qualification of:

* “agricultural enterprise” pursuant to article 1 of legislative decree 18 May 2001, n. 228;

* “fishing company” pursuant to article 4 of legislative decree 9 January 2012, n. 4;

* “agromechanical company”, pursuant to article 5 of legislative decree 29 March 2004, n. 99.

* Young agricultural entrepreneur

* Young fish entrepreneur


– have been active for at least 2 years on the date of submission of the application.

-are based in the national territory;

-they are not in difficulty;

– make investments in technological innovation of an amount of no less than 70,000 euros and no more than 500,000 euros;

-have not received and, subsequently, not reimbursed or deposited in a blocked account, the aid identified as illegal or incompatible by the European Commission.

– SMEs in respect of which the existence of an impeding cause has been verified pursuant to the anti-mafia regulations referred to in Legislative Decree 06/09/2011, n. cannot be admitted. 159.



What are the eligible goods?

The fund involves the purchase of:

-machines, tools and equipment for agriculture (such as combine harvesters, forage harvesters, grape harvesters, Big Balers, round balers, and more)

– non-road mobile machinery for agriculture and livestock farming;

-machines for livestock farming;

-agricultural tractors with stage V engine.



How to join?

Beneficiaries must create and submit the subsidy application by accessing the ISMEA portal at https://strumenti.ismea.it/; within the portal, for the presentation, the following documentation will then be requested:

-Central risk inspection (necessarily obtained from the Central Credit Register of the Bank of Italy);

– Self-certification form on the absence of convictions;

-Anti-mafia form (mandatory if the admitted contribution is greater than €150,000);

-3 comparable cost estimates;


(For further details consult the official Ismea website)



How much is the contribution?


** for Agromechanical SMEs, the value of the contribution is obtained by applying the % indicated in the reference bracket to the “de minimis” ceiling (€200,000). In the event that the amount obtained is greater than 95% of the eligible cost, the contribution is reduced to 95% of the eligible cost. **

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